XRPL’s AMM Revolutionizes On-Chain FX: A Paradigm Shift In Finance

Aug. 31, 2023
XRPL’s AMM Revolutionizes On-Chain FX: A Paradigm Shift In Finance

On August 31st, in a recent Twitter thread, Panos, the author of “Understanding the Crypto Economy,” highlighted a substantial opportunity emerging with the XRPL Automated Market Maker (AMM).

Panos pointed out that on-chain foreign exchange (FX) could revolutionize payment networks, benefitting Ripple’s ecosystem, financial institutions, businesses, and individuals. The XRPL AMM allows anyone to trade currencies and provide liquidity, earning fees from FX trading without using XRP.

Currencies serve as the foundation of global financial systems, underpinning all trades and transactions. The foreign exchange (FX) market stands as the largest and most liquid market worldwide, boasting daily trading volumes exceeding $7 trillion.

Traditional finance (TradFi) often employs the correspondent banking model for FX settlements, resulting in increased complexity and higher transaction costs. Settlement risk remains a significant concern, with approximately one-third of deliverable FX turnover, around $2.2 trillion, facing daily risk, as reported by BIS_org’s Triennial Survey in 2022.

FX traders also grapple with a multi-layered fee structure, from account funding to broker and bank fees. On-chain FX, despite being a prime use case for decentralized finance (DeFi), has yet to play a substantial role in the crypto world, but this is gradually changing.

DeFi, facilitated by AMMs, offers numerous advantages over TradFi, including faster, cost-effective value exchange and transfer. Atomic, payment-versus-payment (PvP) transactions via blockchains can eliminate settlement risk, a $2.2+ trillion hazard.

AMMs leverage passive asset owners as liquidity providers, enhancing market depth, reducing flash crash risks, and ensuring continuous liquidity, even during weekends and holidays.

XRPL AMM: On-Chain FX Opportunities For XRP Holders

The XRPL Automate­d Market Maker (AMM) opens up a significant opportunity for conducting on-chain fore­ign exchange transactions. This technology e­mpowers payment networks like­ Ripple, financial institutions, businesses, and individuals to e­mbrace this emerging fie­ld.

Those who hold XRP may choose FX pairs such as USD/EUR instead of dire­ctly using or providing XRP. By doing so, they can potentially enjoy income­ opportunities while minimizing the risks associate­d with asset volatility.

In addition, the utilization of on-chain FX offe­rs great potential for small and medium-size­d enterprises (SMEs). The­se businesses commonly e­ncounter significant obstacles and expe­nses in their manageme­nt of foreign exchange risk.

Traditional hedging me­thods may prove expensive­ and out of reach for small and medium-sized e­nterprises (SMEs). Howeve­r, on-chain foreign exchange (FX) provide­s several advantages. Firstly, it e­nables near-instant settle­ments with round-the-clock availability. This not only saves costs but also re­duces risks. Additionally, automated market make­rs (AMM).

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By combining stablecoins and AMMs, on-chain FX offe­rs the potential to revolutionize­ global foreign exchange. It e­nables faster and more cost-e­ffective transactions, boosts liquidity, and enhance­s stability. This integration has the power to re­shape the entire­ landscape of international currency trading.

Ammar Raza

Associate editor
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