Stablecoin Regulation Gains Ground In US House Amid Elon Musk’s Twitter X Coin Fear

Jul. 28, 2023
Stablecoin Regulation Gains Ground In US House Amid Elon Musk’s Twitter X Coin Fear

The US House Financial Services Committee has made progress in regulating stablecoins. The “Clarity for Payments Stablecoin” bill has been thoroughly debated and reviewed, and stablecoins currently hold a 10% stake in the conversation.

Following an extensive 13-hour markup session, the bill made significant progress, becoming the second primary crypto legislation to be approved by the Committee within the same week. A well-known Journalist in the crypto industry, Eleanor Terrett, tweeted.

Five De­mocrats, including Representative­s Himes, Gottheimer, Me­eks (D-NY), Torres, and Nickel, stood as supporte­rs of the bill. Notably, Represe­ntative Meeks’ e­ndorsement holds significance since­ he had recently e­xpressed his backing for a broader crypto le­gislation.

Throughout the le­gislative process, the “Clarity for Payme­nts Stablecoin” bill encountere­d obstacles. Represe­ntative Maxine Waters, the­ lead Democrat on the committe­e, expresse­d concerns regarding its contents. She­ emphasized what she pe­rceived as significant flaws, notably a potential loophole­ that could allow commercial entities like­ Elon Musk’s Twitter X to issue their own cryptocurre­ncy.

Congress Navigates Stablecoin Bill Amid Twitter X Coin Fears

Musk’s recent rebranding of Twitter X as an “everything app” with plans for incorporating payment features further fueled speculations. These speculations are about the possibility of a “Twitter Coin” like the rumored “X Coin.”

Negotiations between Democrats led by Rep. Waters and Republicans led by Rep. Patrick McHenry, the committee’s chairman, appeared to be at an impasse for some time. Nonetheless, the Republicans persuaded certain Democrats to rally behind the bill, leading to a bipartisan agreement.

Both sides of the aisle voiced apprehensions about coins created by tech giants, notably Elon Musk’s Twitter X Coin. Rep. Waters expressed concern about Twitter X Coin potentially becoming a global payments provider through the issuance of a stablecoin, a scenario she deemed “a frightening proposition.”

The White House’s 2021 report entered the debate and recommended restricting stablecoin issuance to federally regulated banks. This stance addresses concerns about economic power concentration and systemic risks associated with stablecoins. However, despite these fears, the bill successfully cleared the committee, offering a glimmer of hope for the US crypto industry. This industry is eagerly anticipating a clear regulatory framework.

As the “Clarity for Payments Stablecoin” bill progresses, the cryptocurrency market maintains its sideways trend, currently valued at $1.142 trillion. With the bill advancing, the US is one step closer to potentially establishing a comprehensive regulatory framework for stablecoins.

Despite the lingering apprehensions surrounding tech giant involvement, people are making this progress. As the legislative process continues, stakeholders in the crypto industry eagerly await further developments. They anticipate potential amendments that will shape the future of stablecoins in the country.

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Ammar Raza

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