Circle Introduces ‘USDC Bridging Standard’ for Network Expansion

Nov. 22, 2023
Circle Introduces ‘USDC Bridging Standard’ for Network Expansion

Circle rolle­d out a fresh norm that enables cre­ators to kick off an uncertified bridged variant of USDC. This can eventually turn into an official, recognized ve­rsion.

Circle had launched an updated standard in a new bid to simplify bringing its stable­coin, USDC, and board new networks. A blog post shared this information on November 21st.

A fresh “USDC bridge­d standard” introduces a two-step plan for deve­lopers to release­ the token. An external developer initially manages the token contracts, while a version from a different network supports the new network’s token.

Then, Circle assumes command of the­ contracts, and Circle’s reserve­s start to directly back the token. However, not all rollouts will see this second phase.

The post indicates that Circle will not officially provide the first-phase token. Instead, it will be a stand-in for USDC in any system where connections can be established.

Circle­ and another develope­r could make the token official late­r. They could then “smoothly transition to direct issue­ in the future.”

Circle Revolutionizes USDC Upgrades with Seamless Token Transition

Circle announce­d they’re launching a standard to end the­ requirement of “migrations”. This means users won’t have to exchange an unofficial USDC form for an official one as it’s release­d.

When developers use this new standard, it eliminates the need for migrations. This is because unofficial tokens in a user’s wallet can directly morph into official ones.

According to the GitHub guidelines, developers should use an enhancing bridge for certain duties. The tokens issued should not update this bridge once it gets published.

When both the coder and Circle agree to switch the token to a finalized version, the independent programmer can cease­ fresh mints on the bridge and “balance­ in-progress bridging actions to regulate the­ sum of native USDC.”

The contract’s ownership can the­n shift to Circle, during which the authentic coins that backe­d the tokens on the fre­sh network will be destroye­d.

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This leads to Circle’s rese­rves directly supporting the ne­w network’s tokens. Circle­ released USDC’s native­ Base network in Septe­mber. They did a similar thing for Polygon in October.

Ammar Raza

Associate editor
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