Telegram, a leading messaging platform, announced on March 31 that users can now buy in-app advertisements using Toncoin, the native token of the TON blockchain. This feature is part of Telegram’s latest user monetization update that distributes 50% of the revenue from ads displayed in public Telegram channels to their owners.
According to the company, users can now promote their channels by spending as little as “a handful” of Toncoins. They will also be able to select the specific channels to place their TON-powered ads. Moreover, channel owners can withdraw their ad revenue without fees, and this service will become available in the coming weeks on Telegram’s Fragment exchange, according to the announcement. They can also reinvest their earnings back into the Telegram ecosystem by further advertising, hosting premium content giveaways, or acquiring exclusive usernames.
Telegram Ads Aim to Boost Creator Revenue
In February, Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, hinted at the upcoming launch of a Telegram ad platform. He pointed out that Telegram’s broadcast channels get 1 trillion monthly views. However, despite this reach, only 10% of channels are monetized with Telegram ads. The latest feature enables channel owners to monetize their content more effectively. It also positions Telegram alongside other social media giants like YouTube and X (formerly Twitter), which already offer similar revenue-sharing models to their users.
In his previous message, Durov said:
“This will create a virtuous circle, in which content creators will be able to either cash out their Toncoins — or reinvest them in promoting and upgrading their channels.”
Telegram has chosen the TON blockchain due to its fast transaction speeds, low fees, and high transaction capacity. In Oct. 2023, Certik, a blockchain security firm, recognized the TON as the world’s fastest network. TON surpassed established payment systems like Visa, Mastercard, Solana, and Polygon with a record-breaking 104,715 transactions per second.
Toncoin continues to show strength and resilience in the market. With a current price of $5.31 and a 24-hour trading volume of $205.9 million, Toncoin boasts a market capitalization of $18 billion. Despite fluctuations in the market, Toncoin has risen by 2.87% in the last 24 hours.