Telegram Wallet announced that it is removing the fee for USDt withdrawals to external wallets on the TON network. Additionally, the TON Foundation has allocated 11 million Toncoins to incentivize the adoption of USDT. On April 19th, Telegram Wallet introduced the withdrawal of USDT on the TON network from all supported exchanges such as OKX, […]
Binance maintained the largest centralized exchange (CEX), with a market share of 43.7%, according to data from CoinGecko. Spot trading volume on Binance soared to $427.1 billion in December 2023, a month-on-month (MoM) hike of 37.5% from the $310.6 billion recorded in November 2023. The research analyzed data from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. It […]