Celo Blockchain.

Circle Launches USDC Integration, Opening Doors to Mobile-First Finance

Circle Launches USDC Integration, Opening Doors to Mobile-First Finance

Circle USD-pegged stablecoin, USDC, will be launching natively on the Celo blockchain, as announced by the Celo Foundation. Integrating USDC minting directly on the Celo blockchain will expand the use cases for real-world assets on the network. It will also enhance the convertibility of USDC into fiat currencies. 1/ Native $USDC is coming to @Celo! […]

Feb. 1, 2024
Celo Blockchain to Shift Towards Ethereum Layer-2 Solution

Celo Blockchain to Shift Towards Ethereum Layer-2 Solution

CLabs, the organization be­hind the­ Celo blockchain, aims to rejoin the Ethe­reum ecosystem. The­y plans to shift from being an independe­nt EVM-compatible layer-1 blockchain to adopting an Ethere­um layer-2 solution. This strategic move­ aims to harness the advantages of the­ OP Stack architecture. This innovative frame­work offers enhanced se­curity and cost-efficiency compared to alte­rnative layer-2 […]

Jul. 19, 2023