Arthur Hayes

Arthur Hayes Warns of Bitcoin’s Future Risks

Arthur Hayes Warns of Bitcoin’s Future Risks

The threat spelled out by Arthur Hayes, the former CEO and co-founder at BitMEX, said a potential downfall of Bitcoin’s recent statement is underlined. Hayes particularly concentrated on the launch of Spot BTC ETFs, highlighting that traditional financial (TradFi) asset managers could be an ugly brute threat against the pioneer cryptocurrency. In his year-end article, […]

Dec. 26, 2023
Arthur Hayes: Bitcoin Bull Market Since March, More to Come

Arthur Hayes: Bitcoin Bull Market Since March, More to Come

The co-founde­r of BitMEX mentions that Bitcoin has experienced a significant increase in value ever since the­ Federal Rese­rve introduced a 25 billion dollar program aimed at stabilizing the­ U.S. banking system. Bitcoin has experienced a significant upward trend in the­ last six months without a substantial market response. Howe­ver, according to Arthur Hayes, co-founder […]

Sep. 5, 2023